Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Portfolio 3 : Summary

     Sun produces his energy by a fusion reaction. It is a demanding task if fusion is attempted to apply in the earth because the fusion reaction needs to compress nuclei of atom to a heavier one to produce energy which obeys the Einstein’s equation ,E = mc2. The reaction requires high pressure which cannot be produced in the earth. However, the reaction may still be applied by using high temperature which can be produced by using a heavier form of hydrogen such as deuterium and tritium. They are quite easy to find in the world because deuterium is a vast supply in the ocean whereas tritium is abundant in the world especially in battery laptops. The first challenge in using fusion reaction is how to adjust the product of energy so that it is applicable for business proportions. Besides controlling the portion of energy which is produced, another consideration is to find a matter that is able to remove excess heat. In addition, a matter has to be able to control the radioactivity and avoid escaping of radioactivity to the environment. Furthermore, a contact of plasma with a reactor material should be removed due to radioactivity.  In addition to the challenges to be faced above, engineers are challenged to construct facilities in creating complete fusion. The facilities should also consist of improved superconducting magnets and sophisticated vacuum structures. Moreover, maintenance which is based on robotic approach is required to be improved. Finally, cost of producing from fusion reaction to electricity must be able to compete with other energy sources. 



Provide energy from fusion . (2008). In Grand challenges Retrieved 

    September 28, 2008, 

    from http://www.engineeringchallenges.org/cms/8996/9079.aspx

Monday, September 22, 2008

Why People Resist New Technology?

People resist new technology because they fear it. First, people are afraid that technology may replace their position at work. For example, machines may produce things faster than workers do. Moreover, the cost of production is relatively cheaper when using machines. Consequently, the manufacturer will use the machines and dismiss the workers. Second, people also find that it is hard for them to learn new technology. For instance, it is easy for me to operate a computer. The computer has become a necessary aspect of my life. In contrast, my parents find some difficulties in operating a computer. My parents, as beginners, need to know how to use a mouse and a keyboard. Besides, my parents need to master the steps required to switch on the computer and handle operating applications. My parents finally gave up learning to use a computer because the complexities in learning. Moreover, people may feel more comfortable with existing technology. For example, although e-chatting is inexpensive to use, older people may feel uncomfortable with this new technology,because they have gotten used to using older technology, such as telephones. Another reason people resist new technology is that some people think that new technology will make their lives more complicated. As email is now widely used in offices, office staff find their job more stressful. They find that they have to work harder, because their bosses may call them by email whenever their bosses have new tasks to be done. In conclusion, people resist new technology because new technology may replace them at work. Moreover, new technology may be hard to learn and make people's lives more stressful.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

W5T2 Identifying one of my common grammar mistakes

     According to the writing assignment 1, I found many common grammar mistakes in it. One of them is in using transition signals or connecting words. I find that I make this mistake because of a habit in my home country. In my country ,that is Indonesia, I seldom speak English. Although I have taken some English tuitions for many years, I frequently speak Hokkien and bahasa Indonesia instead of English. In other words, I do not spend much time in learning English. After having done some exercise, I also find that I lack definitions of transition words. For example,I cannot differ with the usage of however and nevertheless. After consulting an English dictionary, I now do understand about a difference of the transition words. However is used for contrasting with the things that has just been said; whereas, nevertheless has a same function with however and mentions a surprising result. Other transitions words that make me confused are furthermore and indeed. I think that they have a same function;however, they have a significant difference. Furthermore is used for adding a  similar idea-usually in adding a point in an argument;whereas, indeed is used for emphasizing a stronger-usually positive- statement. To sum up, in order to improve my ability in using transition words, I need to speak English quite often. Moreover, I need to check the English dictionary whenever I doubt about a definition of transition words.

Here I attach the link where I do some exercises about transition words,
part 1
part 2
I also give my answer of the exercise:
Transition words 1 - Exercise to learn English.htm
Transition words 2 - Exercise to learn English.htm