Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Portfolio 3 : Summary

     Sun produces his energy by a fusion reaction. It is a demanding task if fusion is attempted to apply in the earth because the fusion reaction needs to compress nuclei of atom to a heavier one to produce energy which obeys the Einstein’s equation ,E = mc2. The reaction requires high pressure which cannot be produced in the earth. However, the reaction may still be applied by using high temperature which can be produced by using a heavier form of hydrogen such as deuterium and tritium. They are quite easy to find in the world because deuterium is a vast supply in the ocean whereas tritium is abundant in the world especially in battery laptops. The first challenge in using fusion reaction is how to adjust the product of energy so that it is applicable for business proportions. Besides controlling the portion of energy which is produced, another consideration is to find a matter that is able to remove excess heat. In addition, a matter has to be able to control the radioactivity and avoid escaping of radioactivity to the environment. Furthermore, a contact of plasma with a reactor material should be removed due to radioactivity.  In addition to the challenges to be faced above, engineers are challenged to construct facilities in creating complete fusion. The facilities should also consist of improved superconducting magnets and sophisticated vacuum structures. Moreover, maintenance which is based on robotic approach is required to be improved. Finally, cost of producing from fusion reaction to electricity must be able to compete with other energy sources. 



Provide energy from fusion . (2008). In Grand challenges Retrieved 

    September 28, 2008, 

    from http://www.engineeringchallenges.org/cms/8996/9079.aspx

1 comment:

Yik Zheng said...

Hello my friend!! In my opinion, you focused too much on the part about 'What is Fusion?' which I think is not really necessary. Maybe you can try to add some points 'Will fusion energy be safe?' as safety is always the main concern of the public.
