Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Portfolio 5: Brain mapping

    Technology makes things that people think impossible to do in the past come true. One of them is brain mapping. Brain mapping is a technology that enables people to analyze and understand process of brain. Brain mapping is in theory may give people's benefit. However, in practice it will not happen at all. Some considerations are required to make brain mapping work as it is expected.
    Although brain mapping is in the early stage of development, brain mapping has given benefits to people. Using brain mapping, researchers and doctors are able to diagnose whether people suffer from mental disease. According to Marano (2003), researchers found Nancy, a hypothetical airline pilot, was suspected of suffering from schizophrenia. This result was obtained by analyzing her brain activity. Another benefit of brain mapping is to make ease the authorities' task in searching criminals in criminal investigation (Marano, 2003). The authorities may observe suspects' brain patterns when the suspects are taken in the crime scene.
    Besides those benefits, brain mapping give negative effects to people. Intellectual fraud may occur if people misuse brain mapping. By analyzing someone's brain pattern, people are able to know what he/she thinks about certain things and if the idea is important, people may make use of it without he/she knowing it. To overcome this, there should be legal act in stating limitation of using brain mapping. Furthermore, people who are involved should be reliable and trustworthy. Another negative effect that is likely to occur is people tend to be dependent on brain mapping in making decision. It should be noted that brain mapping cannot be accurately show people's interests because people's interests will change in the future. In order not to limit people's freedom in developing their skills, judgements could not depend on the result of brain mapping only. Considerations on several possible future developments should be involved in the judgements too.
In conclusion, brain mapping will give benefits to human being. Nevertheless, some actions are required in order to prevent some abuses to occur.

Marano, L. (2003, June 3). Ethics and mapping the brain.                  Washington Times.

1 comment:

khoose said...

Hi Harris,
You have completed all 5 Portfolio tasks. Good work. All the very best for the exam, and remember to keep on working on improving your English. Read as much as you can, and take note not just of the content but also of the way that different writers write for different purposes.

By the way, I think that what you said about mindmapping was really interesting. I had not thought about the point on over-dependence. You have good ideas, Harris, so don't give up on improving your English. The better you express yourself, the more effectively you'll convey your ideas.

Good luck!
Ms Khoo :)